Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Welcome to Inter Pan Pasifik Futures

Welcome to Inter Pan Pasifik Futures

We are one of the Inter Pan Group which had been widely known as a property developer and manufacturer. We also offer financial services such as fundamental and technical analysis to help our clients analyze the latest news about stock market and foreign exchange.

PT. Inter Pan Pasifik Futures is supported by online web based-trading platform, so our customers could have a safe transaction, anytime and anywhere by using the internet facility.
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China says Europe will overcome debt crisis (Reuters)
Reuters - China is confident that Europe will be able to overcome its debt crisis, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said, adding stability in the eurozone was crucial for the global economic recovery.
Greek parties ignore appeal for rapid compromise (Reuters)
Reuters - Greece's ruling socialists and opposition conservatives offered rival plans for saving the nation from bankruptcy and safeguarding its euro zone membership, ignoring an appeal from the president to cooperate now on tackling the mess.
Washington protesters hit by car, no visible injuries: police (Reuters)
Reuters - Three activists protesting economic inequality were struck by a car and mildly injured late on Friday night as they attempted to block traffic near a gathering of conservatives in the nation's capital, police said on Saturday.
States' answer to a weak economy: gambling (Reuters)
Reuters - As the economy stubbornly resists stimulus efforts, New Jersey and Maine are among several states betting on a simpler way to fill their coffers: gambling.
Most of the unemployed no longer receive benefits (AP)
AP - The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work for so long that most of America's unemployed are no longer receiving unemployment benefits.


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